Dietary Fiber Reduces Hunger Sensation in Obese Individuals, Study Shows

Dietary Fiber Reduces Hunger Sensation in Obese Individuals, Study Shows

ObesityA recent study entitled “Postprandial effects of polydextrose on satiety hormone responses and subjective feelings of appetite in obese participants” reports on the improved satiety control between meals in an obese population with polydextrose – a dietary fiber, supplemented meal. The study was published in the Nutrition Journal.

The type of food we consume is known to affect the actual rate of food consumption, and hence decreased food intake, as a result of increased dietary fibers, for example, is associated with enhanced satiety. This is related to the impact each type of food has on the release of gut peptides and hormones, therefore modulating energy use and metabolism. However, the mechanism of how dietary fibers impact the release of gastrointestinal (GI) peptide release is still incompletely understood, particularly in obese individuals.

Here, the authors aimed to further understand the mode of action of a soluble fiber – Polydextrose (PDX) – in increasing satiety, while reducing energy intake in subsequent meals in an obese population. Specifically, the authors determined whether administrating PDX as a supplement in meals reduces the appetite of obese participants. This was achieved by measuring the effect of PDX in secreations after a meal (postprandial) of several factors, including satiety-related GI peptides, such as glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1), short chain fatty acids (SCFAs), and lactic acid. Additionally, the participants’ sensations of hunger and satiety were also registered. The authors studied a group of 18 obese individuals (confirmed as non-diabetic) who were randomly assigned to receive a high-fat meal with PDX and compared to the placebo-control group. The participants were submitted to a 10- to 12-hour period of fasting before the meal, and no other food intake was allowed during the 6-hour period after meal intake.

The team of researchers observed that PDX supplementation to a meal resulted in an increased release of GLP-1, previously shown to decrease food intake, accompanied by a reduction in lactate concentration, and a decrease in participants hunger sensation. Specifically, the team observed a 40% decrease in hunger sensation and a 22.5% increase in satisfaction with PDx when compared to the placebo control group. Therefore, the authors suggest that PDX can be used as a supplement to control satiety between meals in an obese population. Notably, the authors found that age might contribute to the release of GLP-1, with older participants registering a lower GLP-1 release.

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